Q&A with Artist, Imogen
Imogen is a talented young artist that I first met when living in The Netherlands. She’s the creator of the butterfly colouring sheets and bookmarks that you’ll find on the freebies page and she has kindly agreed to answer my questions so we can learn more about her creative process. Enjoy!
When did you first get into art and what was your initial inspiration?
I first started art when I was very young and my inspiration was my mother. We would work on art projects together as a family and I would copy her style. My art started off cartoony and bobble-headed, but after a few years I developed my own style.
Imogen’s early art work
What's your artistic process?
Personally, I get straight into a project as soon as I think of one, but I'm just quite impatient so that's my way! I try to find a semi secluded area of my house and begin to paint - the quieter the better!
What's your favourite type of art?
I prefer the medium of either pencil or acrylic, this is because they are easy to use and if you make a mistake you can re-do it with ease. My favourite is to paint portraits in acrylic so if I make a mistake I can correct it immediately. I have so many portraits all over my room - and the house!
Which piece are you most proud of?
The piece I'm most proud of is a massive portrait of an East African woman. She has a light pink dress. This piece is about twice the size of my regular paintings. It took me about a week or so to finish her, so she was quite a challenge to create. I was 11 when I painted her.
What's next for you?
I'm currently working on an underwater painting of a woman surfing. I will be sending a picture of her to the head of art at my school and asking for improvement advice.
What advice would you give to other children who are keen to develop their artistic skills?
My advice for young artists out there is to find your favourite medium; play around with colours, styles, textures etc. You will need a little while to figure out what your style is. Also, remember, don't compare your art to anyone else's - everybody has different styles!
Head over to the freebies page to check out more of Imogen’s wonderful art work!